These projects were completed during 2021

Croydon Minster, South London
(12 bells + 2 semitone bells, Tenor 36-3-18 in C#)
Loose gudgeons were replaced on several headstocks, including the tenor. The clappers were refurbished, pulleys overhauled or replaced and the main bearing ball races replaced.

Tattenhoe, Bucks
(1 chiming bell)
The C14th chiming bell (18" diameter) has been rehung on new traditional swing-chiming fittings.

Charlton, Wantage, Oxon
(2 chiming bells)
The bells have been rehung on new traditional swing-chiming fittings. Having previously been almost the same note, the bells were also tuned so that they are now a major 3rd apart.

Clifton Hampden, Oxon
(5 chiming bells, Tenor 6-2-16 in B)
The bells have received an overhaul and maintenance, taking the opportunity to use the scaffolding in place during the re-roofing of the church.

Long Wittenham, Oxon
(6 bells, Tenor 8-0-21 in A)
The bells have been re-tuned, turned and rehung on new fittings in the existing wrought iron, double-bar bell frame. The bells now form a ring in a diatonic major scale.

Ruskington, Lincs
(6 bells, Tenor 11-1-11 in F)
The bells have been rehung on new fittings in the existing bell frame.

Terrington, N. Yorks
(1 chiming bell)
This C16th Sanctus bell with unusual cannons has been rehung with new traditional fittings on a wall inside the church.

Stamford Baron
(6 bells, Tenor 13-1-21 in F)
The frame has been strengthened with tie-rods and angle brackets, the bells quarter-turned and the pulley units replaced, also making alterations to the rope circle. The clapper assemblies were refurbished, also fitting adjustable staple units. Galvanised steel beams were also installed under the frame by others.

Braintree, Essex
(10 bells, Tenor 10-2-27 in Gb)
The bells have been tuned, turned and rehung on new fittings in the existing bell frames.

Guildford Cathedral (Lady Chapel)
(1 chiming bell, 3-0-12 in G)
The Lady Chapel bell has been rehung on new fittings. Maintenance work has also been carried out on the ring of twelve in the central tower (Tenor 30-1-10 in D).

Kellogg College, Oxford
(1 chiming bell)
Rediscovered during renovation works, this small bell has been carefully cleaned and restored and mounted for use on a wall inside the college buildings.

Richmond, London
(8 bells, Tenor 18 1/2cwt. approx. in F)
The clappers have been refurbished and set up for even clappering using our laser timing meter.