These projects were completed during 2019

Milton Regis, Kent
(8 bells, 9-2-24 in G) Augmentation to eight
The six bells have been tuned and rehung in the existing strengthened bell frame. Two new bells have been cast by the Westley Group and hung in additional framework to augment the ring to eight. Rope guides were also fitted.

Woodbury, Devon
(8 bells, Tenor 23-2-21 in D) Rehang and improvements
The four bells which still retain their canons have been rehung on new canon-retaining headstocks. The ropeways have been simplified and the other smaller fittings overhauled or replaced. The chiming hammers have also been overhauled.

Tanfield, Co. Durham
(10 bells, 10-3-19 in G) Augmentation to ten
The eight Warner and Sons bells have been retuned and augmented to ten with the addition of two new Westley Group bells. The bells were hung on new fittings in a new cast iron bell frame.

Oundle School
(1 chiming bell) A new bell
A new bell has been cast by the Westley Group and tuned at Appleton. The bell was hung with new fittings for electronically controlled chiming.

Kempston, Beds
(10 bells, 21-1-17 in E) Remodelling of the ring of ten
The former tenor and 7th bells have been removed from the ring and replaced with two 1910 Taylor bells from Prinknash Abbey, Glos. All ten bells have been retuned. The leading dimensions have been adjusted so that the ring is better graded and the clappers adjusted accordingly. The former tenor and 7th bells have been hung dead with electric hammers.

Westminster Abbey
10 bells (30-1-15 in D) Maintenance work
The bell installation has undergone maintenance and inspection.

Bentley Common, Essex
6 bells (4-1-17 in C#) New rope guides
A new set of rope guides has been installed.

Findon, W. Sussex
(6 bells, 9-2-14 in Ab) Major overhaul and two new headstocks
The two over-heavy canon-retaining headstocks were replaced with modern-design headstocks and the other fittings were overhauled or replaced.

York Oratory
An Angelus bell
An ex-buoy bell was obtained from Trinity House and hung for electrically operated stationary chiming above the ring of ten.

Ipsden, Oxon.
(2 chiming bells) Turret bells rehung
The two turret bells, dating from 1592 and 1801, have been rehung for swing-chiming on traditional fittings.

Steventon, Oxon
(6 bells, 11-2-7 in F) Major overhaul and rope guides
The clappers have been rebushed, the pulley units replaced, the wheels re-rimmed and all main ball races replaced. Two corroded staple bolts were removed from their headstocks in our workshop. A new circular rope guide has been installed to reduce the rope draught of this ground floor ring.

Caversham, Berks.
(8 bells, 7-3-13 in A) Major overhaul
The clappers have been rebushed, one also being replaced with a replacement wrought iron clapper, the pulleys overhauled or replaced and the bearings cleaned and regreased. Alterations were made to the internal acoustics.

Lindfield, W. Sussex
(8 bells, 9-2-15 in G#) A new ring of eight
A new complete ring of eight was cast by the Westley Group and tuned at Appleton. They have been hung with new fittings in a new cast iron bell frame. Four of the "listed" bells from the former ring of eight were hung dead in a new upper cast iron and galvanised steel frame to be used as clock and service bells.

Swithland, Leics.
(6 bells, 11-0-7 in G) Six bells retuned and rehung
The six bells have been retuned and rehung on new fittings in the existing strengthened bell frame.

East Grinstead, W. Sussex (Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady & St. Peter)
(1 chiming bell) Overhaul and maintenance
The single Warner & Sons bell hangs in a large tower which was built with a ringing peal in mind. The bell has been quarter-turned and the existing fittings refurbished.

Stanton St. John, Oxon.
(5 bells, 9cwt approx. in G#) Refurbishment of a ring of five
The five bells have been rehung on ball bearings and some of the other fittings replaced to a minimal specification. Three of the cast-in crown staples were drilled out by hand in the tower and three of the timber headstocks replaced. The existing wheels were restored.

Nately Scures, Hants
(2 chiming bells) Two swing-chiming bells restored
The two C17th bells have been rehung on new traditional swing-chiming fittings.

Calverton, Bucks
(8 bells, 9-3-8 in G#) Augmentation to 8 in a new frame
The existing back five bells have been retuned, the undersized treble replaced and two bells added to augment the ring to eight. The three new bells were cast by the Westley Group. All eight bells were hung with new fittings in a new cast iron frame underneath the ancient timber frame. The old treble was tuned down by a semitone and is used as a service bell. All nine bells are fitted with electromagnetic hammers.

Burghclere, Hants
(6 bells, 8cwt. approx. in Bb) Split headstock replaced
A large split developed through the entire depth of the timber headstock of the tenor bell. This was replaced with a new replica hardwood headstock, reusing the other existing fittings.

Cranham, Glos.
(6 bells, 9-1-16 in Ab) Loose gudgeons replaced
Loose gudgeons were replaced in two of the Gillett & Johnston headstocks, the ball races of the main bearings also being replaced.